Class Poster

Represents a single Poster object.


  • BaseResource
    • Poster


  • Parameters

    • server: PlexServer
    • data: any
    • Optionalinitpath: string
    • Optionalparent: PlexObject

    Returns Poster


key: string

plex relative url

parent?: WeakRef<any>

WeakRef to the parent object that this object is built from.

provider: string

The source of the resource. 'local' for local files (e.g. theme.mp3),

ratingKey: string

Unique key identifying the resource.

selected: boolean

True if the resource is currently selected.

server: PlexServer
thumb: string

The URL to retrieve the resource thumbnail.

TAG: string = 'Photo'

xml element tag

TYPE: string = null

xml element type


  • Returns True if this object is a child of the given class.


    • cls: any

    Returns boolean

  • Refreshing a Library or individual item causes the metadata for the item to be refreshed, even if it already has metadata. You can think of refreshing as "update metadata for the requested item even if it already has some". You should refresh a Library or individual item if:

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Reload the data for this object from this.key.


    • Optionalekey: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns string

  • Returns Promise<any>